Installing Python

Python and a Text Editor

You can download Python for free from Just go to the Python website and find the version for your operating system. Once you have properly installed Python you should be able to confirm that it is working by checking the version from the command line as follows:

> python --version
Python 3.9.5


With Python installed, you can write your code in any text editor and run it from the command line.

I like the Sublime Text editor. There are many others. Here are some popular ones you can try:

Integrated Development Environments (IDEs)

You can also run Python using other free IDE’s. I recommend the following:

You can follow the links to find information on downloading and using each one.

You can even run Python with nothing but your favorite browser at PythonAnywhere.

Another popular way to run Python is using Jupyter notebooks. A Jupyter notebook provides the user with an interactive environment that allows him to integrate text, code, and data. Jupyter notebooks are available with the Anaconda distribution of Python. There is a free open-source version called the Anaconda Individual Edition. It includes Python, Jupyter notebooks, and the Spyder IDE. The link provided above will take you to a page where you can download the Anaconda Individual Edition.

As you work through the book you should have a way to write and run Python code. If you make an effort to run my examples, try the exercises, and experiment on your own you will learn Python quickly.